Thursday, November 06, 2008

Quelle surprise - Obama won

A little delayed, but not until today did it really sink in that Barack Obama is our new President. Funny, I just wrote that, and he's not even my president!! But I feel like he even represents the hopeful group up north...

For the past few months we have been hearing about how this election is the most important of our time, and it is on so many levels. Barack Obama is the epitome of what it means to live in a global world - background from white and black, a Christian but aware of Islam through his background, younger, educated, technologically savvy (at least his campaign was - amazing use of technology to give ownership of the election process to voters themselves). To choose him was really symbolic to show that America would be choosing a candidate that accurately represents the population of the US.

How much was McCain the antithesis of the man we needed to be the President of the United States? Of course, I acknowledge he is a good, honourable man, whose concession speech was class to the max. But could we really choose a man in his 70s, whose greatest moment came as a POW, and who still glorifies aggressive action? By definition, no matter how "current" this man is, he cannot possess the progressive views we so desperately need.

In this time where leaders are openly deriding and threatening Western countries, Obama provides diplomatic levarage not only through his flawless 'politicking', but his background as well. It's not going to be an easy road, but we have the best person we could have to help us through these difficult times... the big O.

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