"Hey, you know what we should study?"
"So I've been observing lesbian women and I've noticed that they all look bigger than the heterosexual women. I think we should get someone to fund us for a 5 year study and find out if that's true or not. This could have serious reprecussions on society-at-large, plus we could give lesbians even more reason to feel bad about themselves."
"That sounds like a great idea."
Monday, April 30, 2007
An Unfortunate Doppleganger

More on that later… a more interesting blurb blurb came my way today about Bin Laden being arrested. I could not believe that this did not make news headlines all over the world! Unfortunately, what it’s really about is a poor Afghani chap trying to cross the border into Pakistan who happens to look exactly like OBL. Not only did he go through this traumatic experience recently, but it’s not the first time - he’s been arrested before! What’s that saying: “Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me”? These officials should get their facts straight, cause not only are they embarrassing themselves, but OBL might get clever and use him as a decoy.
I am truly fascinated by the idea of a doppelganger. I feel like it’s comforting and exciting to know that there is someone out there who looks exactly like me. Although some people describe doppelganger as an “evil twin”, I prefer not to think of it that way. In fact, apparently if you ever find this person, you are both supposed to be destroyed and/or ruined. Kinda like Harry Potter and Voldemort. I was hoping to meet mine eventually, given the whole “one must die while the other lives” kinda sucks.
P.S. I had to add this article - sometimes people are truly idiots. A bizarre twist here would be if the new groom/groom’s brother was also his doppelganger.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
It’s been an interesting week…
I also got a chance to see PCD and Christina Aguilera on Monday night. One word: amazing. Hot. Incredible. Ok, many words.
Anyway, during the weekend festivities my girlfriend Eva and I stopped by a vegan restaurant called Fressen. It is a very earthy and hip place on Queen St W, and even though the list of ingredients seems to be limited to veggies and fruit, it was surprisingly good! I would love to be vegan, but my love of fish and eggs would probably not be acceptable (just maybe). But it inspired me to try out new things, and also explore different parts of Toronto (who knew we had so many great restaurants and patios?)
Here comes an amazing summer in TO!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Akon at Zen Nightclub, Trinidad - Disgusting
I think the title of this video says it all - I am seriously disgusted and shocked that something like this happened - and "artists" like this are actually popular. Notice the audience clapping!
Today is a sad day for rappers - Cam'ron is quoted in the news today as saying "he wouldn't helpt police catch even a serial killer because it would hurt his business"... all I have to say is - what the deuce is going on!?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pearl the Landlord
I just watched this video and nearly choked on my DC - this is the funniest video (albeit a little scary if she remembers the words they taught her).
I gotta go - need to "get my drink on"...
Monday, April 16, 2007

Ever since graduation/my trip to Europe, I've been building a "List of things to do before I'm 25... then 30" so that I can be conscious of everything I still want to accomplish.
I checked off one additional item on that list this weekend - auditioning for Canadian Idol. It was a really fast, and only slightly nerve-wracking experience - I think I'm actually getting better at this whole "performing in front of strangers" thing. I got some really nice compliments, but apparently "have what a lot of other people have" - I think they need something different and original this year. I went in just for the experience, but I got so motivated after it that I'm definitely trying out next year again! This is why I love the list - a personal dare turned into a self-affirming experience - and I can't wait to challenge myself with the next item on that list.
Friday, April 13, 2007

I don’t really consider myself a superstitious person, but I have to admit that every time a “Friday the 13th” comes along I think twice about doing anything significant (because of the tiny possibility that luck may not be in my favour that day). How silly, you all say… however, a quick Google search produced hundreds of thousands of hits about the superstition: stats about increased accidents, unexplained bad luck and fear so paralyzing that 5% of the US population has physically harmful anxiety on this day.
It’s funny that no one can really explain where the superstition comes from - Dan Brown insinuated that it was the day that King Philip ordered the arrests and murders of the Templars sometime ago, and that day has been considered unlucky since then. Either way, it is one of those globally-spanning superstitions, and Wikipedia lists it as especially significant in Germany, Poland, Portugal and English-speaking countries… Poland? Really? I think all we need is a nice drink to get rid our worries…I wasn’t even going to go out tonight but now I see that it’s physically necessary.
P.S. Is the reason apartment buildings don’t have a 13th floor because of bad luck? Riiiiight…
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Would you bail me out of jail?

…from which stemmed a lovely conversation about what a “real” friend is, and how many you really have that you can call more than an acquaintance. The Facebook Coolness Factor seems to be to have as many friends as possible, when really you could only stand to see 4-5 of them on a daily basis. My coworkers say that in fact, they can think of 1 or 2 that they would really count on. “What does ‘really counting on them’ mean?” I ask.
To which Kevin replied, “My best friend is a guy who I know would lend me a significant sum of money, no questions asked, if I asked him to lend it to me. Or he’d be the guy that I would use my one, single phone call from jail from cause I know he’d drop everything and come bail me out.”
That got me thinking… sure enough, although I have all these FBFs, I can only count on one hand the number of people that would do that for me. This has become my measuring stick in the past couple of weeks, so much so that I have started to care for those suckers that would do that for me more than those I realized wouldn’t. These are the girls/guys that will most probably get me outta that inevitably bad relationship, or tell me I have something in my teeth… both incredibly necessary and difficult to do.
Point being, I hope that everyone realizes who those friends are (and hopefully you haven’t been a jerk your whole life and can name someone other than your parents) and treat them like gold - I know I am.
Monday, April 02, 2007
We have a new enemy on a very new front

My friend Bart sent me this great article today - kinda random but definitely a compliment to us Polish girls.
Eva, Adam and I were talking about relationships (what else) this weekend, and traveling to Poland, and how almost every woman you see there looks like she just stepped off of a runway, while the Polish guys look like they’re all gang members (and act like it too). And yet, by default, these bum guys get these gorgeous girls…
Anyway, moving past that, the background behind this online piece is that a lot of Polish people (mostly young adults or young families) are emigrating to the West - Ireland, England - since we entered the EU. It’s actually kinda sad for Poland, because we can’t seem to keep our young peeps in the motherland.
Anyway, these British Pirate-Hookers™ [courtesy of A.B.] are deciding that the Polish girls are too hot for their own good and bullying/beating them up! It seems the British males are more inclined to the Eastern European ways, and the locals aren’t appreciating it. Shameful… I feel like they’re animals trying to mark their territory.
On that note, I am heading to the U.K. this June (officially got some vacation approved today!) so needless to say I’ll be kicking some British ass when I get there…
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