Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a weekend

Song(s) of the weekend: select songs from the Rihanna album (after seeing her concert): Please don't stop the music, I hate that I love you and Rehab, and Roy Orbison's Pretty Woman and Crying.

Quite an assortment I know, but I needed some new music for my new ride. Spent about 4 hours in the car on Saturday driving to, around and from London and then today driving to the Docks and around downtown. I've already put 550 km on the car and it's been 3 days - so great.

Altogether it's been a weekend of driving and talking. A lot. I caught up with a bunch of people in London, and then drove most of the day while dancing in my car and realizing that there is a whole new world of speeding in a hatchback when compared to the van.

Today I purged and felt relief through cleaning, which my friend JB told me only "a chick could feel better doing". It was an emotional morning, full of the loveliness that relationships bring, which basically means more talking, and then watching Eva windsurf on Lake Ontario interspersed with more talking. I don't think Adam has ever had to listen to more chicks talk, especially with his friend going through boy troubles of her own and asking for advice through text. But when we did take breaks, don't they look cute:

Overall a good weekend, but I'm in bed at 930 for a reason - exhausting, in a word. I need a break from my weekend, which sucks since tomorrow is Monday morning, arguable the worst time of the week.

Soundtrack for tomorrow? Cry me a river.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New car!

Picking up my new car today! Although it technically isn't mine, since all I'm actually leasing it, in which case it still belongs to Honda which is really fine by me. My workmates congratulated me on my “new relationship”, and I told them I am happy about it but I just wish it were free.

I took the day off yesterday because I was sick, and it was a fabulous, glorious day - I relaxed and cooked and cleaned and felt very much renewed. I liked playing the role of housewife for the day (although I don't think I could do it permanently). I came into work today hoping that sense of renewal would stay, but it's been fading slowly since I passed through the automatic entry door...

On that note, as happy as I am recently, I'm also feeling unsettled in an... unsettling way (for lack of a better word). For someone who's not a type A person, I am craving some planning or talking or debriefing time. I feel like at any point something might blow up in my face, which is a crappy feeling. I don't like the unknown unless you're anticipating a good kind of surprise.

I'm not usually in the habit of reading horoscopes, but this one popped up for me today...

There could be some friction at work; but if you can be sensitive to other people's feelings, you should get by. You might want to take inventory and throw out things that are no longer important to you. If you are getting an itch to plan a vacation, you may want to consider a place with a mountain view or somewhere with a beach.

Sound advice, astrology peeps.

Monday, September 24, 2007

So you had a bad day..

...except that mine isn't over just yet - talk about a sucky day!

So it's already a Monday which doesn't put anybody in a good mood... I wake up after a busy weekend exhausted and feverish, and make my way to work. Boring work. Then I get called in for a meeting where I am told a partner of mine in an important fundraising campaign is pulling out 3 weeks before the start. Bad news. Then I annoy my boss because I forgot to send in some useless HR information sheet. Yadda yadda. And finally I am being shunned for getting other people sick. Blah blah.

Horoscope for the day:

Your contacts at work have probably been putting in a good word for you. As a result, there may be a chance for a promotion or an assignment with more responsibility. You might have an awkward moment with a family member but be
willing to talk things over and diffuse the situation. Be sure to set aside time for your love partner.
How ironic, because we can agree the first statement is inaccurate, the second is wishful thinking, three is most likely and the last is highly erroneous given circumstances and attitudes.

I shall now go and wallow in my own w(h)ine... I feel much better now.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Puts a new spin on "hump" day

Two days ago the headlines were "Putin dissolves the Russian government", and now Russia just celebrated a day off given specifically to couples for some lovin at home. I swear, I am torn in between disgust at the disregard for democracy, but also adoring the fact that Russians are encouraging some love-making among their people.

Of course the reason actually has some merit (or does it??) - the Russian population is shrinking and they are in need of some new babies being born. Yesterday was 9 months away from Russia's birthday, and the government has decided anyone who has a baby on that day will be rewarded with cars, TVs etc. Talk about incentive! I move we bring this tradition to Canada - isn't our population shrinking too?

On another note, toooo cuuuute - Basically, the baby macaque was abandoned and almost died, but was nursed back with the help of meds and a friendship with this pigeon - apparently it has a new "lease on life". Pictures and stories like this just get to me... I almost can't handle it. What a girl!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The end of a summer

So this past week was my last week in Montreal - went very well, we finished a day and half ahead of time and I got the Friday off... the only dark spot in an otherwise amazing week was when one of my coworkers, an older gentleman decided to open up at our last lunch and tell Fred and I about his threesomes and "f friends" in great detail...*shudder*

Anyway, I had some visitors - Amal came from Halifax on Thursday and we partied til Sunday, met up with Dan and his friends (pictured above) on Friday evening, met up with Wassim and his friends on Saturday night - basically rocked the whole weekend. Turns out our friends Brian, Phil and Will (all separate groups) were in town too, so it was an awesome weekend.

I was gone in Montreal until Monday night, and it felt like I went on a second vacation, especially since I was seeing Dan (who I met in Croatia just in June) - it was really hard to come back and face the reality of starting a new, long-term project in Toronto and getting used to everything at home again! On top of which the summer is over.

I will definitely be visiting Montreal again. Soon.