Thursday, July 24, 2008

Matthew MConaughey - stupid statement part #1382

Ok, the man obviously comes from a genetic predisposition of idiocy - a brother called Rooster, who named his son Miller Lyte (???). A quick google search showed he lives by the saying "Just keep livin' "(no sh*t) and once said "I love having my hands in the dirt… If it comes down to me versus that weed I’m trying to pull out of the ground that doesn’t want to come out - I know I’ll win."

Then I read an article on (yes, I read it) about how he sat between his girlfriend's legs and played the bongo while she was in labour - if my hubbie tried to pull some kind of drums on me I would flip right out. Or maybe wonder how I ruined my gene pool by procreating with this man...

Sigh... ok, maybe I can see why she did it. Maybe they didn't do much talking.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The ultimate for a foot and fish fetishist...

Foot fungus be gone?
Apparently there's a new pedicure method where instead of softening your feet in just warm water, little fishies bite at the dead skin on your foot and soften it for you! Nice little graphic above...
I would imagine the fish would wander to some feet more than others (a.k.a. the scalier, deader ones), which would pinpoint you as 'that' person...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dream interpretation

I usually think dream interpretation is silly, but given the types of dreams I have been having the past few months, I couldn't help but google them to see what they mean...
For example, W woke me up this morning as I was dreaming about a polar bear, who kept calling me from a payphone (that is one skilled polar bear) to try and contact me but I couldn't get to him. He needed food and somehow knew to call me but I wasn't able to reach the phone in time to find out where he needed the food.
So I checked what polar bears symbolize:
"To see a polar bear in your dream, signifies a reawakening."

Then I checked what a payphone means:
"To see or hear a telephone in your dream, signifies a message from your unconscious. You may be forced to confront issues which you have tried to avoid. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others."

In which case, my dream would mean that my unconscious is trying to communicate and confront me about my reawakening.

Which, I would say, is an understatement for my state of mind over the past 2 months... maybe there IS something to this dream interpretation.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I cannot believe it's already been 2 months since I last wrote an entry in here... I managed to go on a trip to Greece and make a few changes in the life of Mon.


So... this is the picture that most people tend to love from my album! It's beautiful - the view from the northeast tip of Santorini - Oia, where they say you can see the best sunsets. I think this picture is proof of that!

We got to Greece and flew immediately to Santorini, where we spent 3 nights in Kamari and rented a smartcar for a day. Driving around Santorini in a tiny golfcart car is tough since it's so mountain-y, but was really fun. No donkeys for us!

Then we took a speed/ferry boat to Mykonos, which was even more beautiful because of the white sand, clear blue water, and so many naked guys' bums it was incredible. It really is the gay paradise, judging by all the couples (and crazy singles!) we saw there. We spent 3 nights in Mykonos, in Ornos in a lovely apartment with a pool 2 steps outside our door. Eating and shopping and tanning, and we got a james bond car for the 3 days we were there and visited 4 large beaches.

Other than the amazing scenery, the best part was that I got even more attached to my wonderful bf who made the trip probably the best one in my life... I'm notorious for only traveling by myself since I don't like to tie myself to anyone elses decisions, but this was one of the only times I've ever felt like I was on the same page as someone else. And it obviously helped that everything in Greece is gorgeous, so decision-making was not an issue.

Aren't we cute? And pale, geeez.