Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So cute! I can't help myself

As a person who reads many (many!) articles about celebrities - please don't judge, it's my guilty pleasure, I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate my unhealthy habit into a career haha - I have to admit there is one person who I LOVE to see everytime. I love the way she dresses, her haircuts, and she can do no wrong in my book.

Look at her! Don't you just wanna pick her up and hug and play with her? Maybe it's prejudice because I still react the exact same way to cute dogs I see on the street, but I like her more than Brangelina's kid, whose name has escaped me because of my reaction to this picture.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Morning Smile

I got to work pretty early this morning, so decided to go to Rabba and get some grub for the day (to avoid eating junk food).

I walked in at 8am, and there was a pair of thug-looking guys that walked in right behind me - they were talking tough, dressed in "ghetto" wear... I left them to go get my soy milk, and walking back I saw them debating loudly over some food item - I walked closer and realized it was yogurt, and they were arguing over which one had more "probiotic bacteria" and therefore was better for them.

Yet again I learn... don't judge a book by its cover. Or that yogurt marketing is damn powerful.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ummm... Yemen? Sup wit dat?

Ok, so reading this article today on CNN - disturbing. I have to admit I don't know much about Yemen, outside of that borderline annoying Friends episode where Chandler tries to move away from Janice.

But c'mon!!! Letting your pre-pubescent daughter get married to a 30 year old, knowing he was going to attempt to consummate the marriage and had a violent streak. Where is that considered acceptable?! No matter what the age, why would you ever give your CHILD over to that kind of situation?!

I'm outraged and disgusted, and selfishly thankful that I was born into a normal, democratic and first world country.

But above all, power to this strong, amazing little feminist for standing up for herself and getting a divorce at 8 years old!

I'm a lover, not a fighter

Ahh, a quote from one of MJ's cheesiest (cheesiest!) songs sums up my entry today.

I do not like conflict!

I really realized this yesterday, when 2 of my friends were exhanging sarcastic comments - they of course were not serious about it, but I could not handle even the possibility that they meant what they were saying. Everytime a situation comes up that has potential to turn into a confrontation, I feel incredible uncomfortable and tense and need to either get rid of the confrontation or leave. It's kinda that same feeling I get when I watch American Idol and someone is butchering a song and I just cannot watch because I feel so bad for them.

I don't think of this feeling as a weakness - why should avoiding confrontation be considered a bad thing?? I find most of my friends who DO look for it end up with needless drama in their lives, and that's not an admirable quality.

Buuuut I have to say a few exceptions exist to this disposition. First: if you are a drunk girl at a club, getting into my dancing space and starting to annoy me, I will call you on it. And then may or may not nudge you out of my space. And then may nudge you harder... you get the point, just don't do it. Second: my relationship with my mom (all regular rules go out the window :)

Carrie Underwood - Praying For Time - Idol Gives Back 2008

This has been playing on my iPod over and over for the past week... wow

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Auto Trader Commercial - Woman leaves Husband.

Ah! My friend Jake (a.k.a. Ryan) is in a commercial... a man of few words but it's still hilarious :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Burn out or just lazy?

My bro recently came back from a really nice vacay in Cancun - he had just spent 8 months straight at work, with most of those managing a project that was launching right before his trip. Needless to say, he was burnt out and needed the time to relax.

The funny thing is, when he got back from his trip, he still had the same "burned" feeling - he had no refreshed feeling, didn't even feel as if he had ever left! I started questioning my own trips, and realized that I almost never feel that refreshed feeling ever - in fact, I end up feeling worse coming back because there is the fresh memory of ultimate happiness.

Don't get me wrong, I get that I will not be on vacation for my whole life - I don't even want to be! And although I know that the natural judgment is that of laziness, but when I really like to do something, I know I put the work in and enjoy investing my time. Am I asking too much, or even something unrealistic, to like my job? And not feeling this constant burn out and dread when thinking about my Mondays? Is it only a lucky few that get to combine their passions with a job - are the rest of us stuck in simply a "whatever makes us money" position?

Monday, April 07, 2008

Ring Around the R-Rated Rosie

So I've been showing my age recently - I've been condemning the "young people these days" and comparing them to "the good old days when I was a teenager"... you'd think I was a grandma already. But my reaction to the following story in appropriate! Seriously!

It wasn't told directly to me, but happened to a father not long ago... he has 2 young teenage daughters (something like 14, 15) and left them at home for an evening. On his way to his event, he realized he forgot something at home and went back to get it. He noticed a few extra cars in the driveway, and came in and saw that the group was in the basement. He walked in on this little scene: 3 boys sitting in a circle, facing out with their pants off. 3 girls, including his daughters, standing in front of the boys, singing "Ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of posies, blah blah blah, we all go DOWN" and then dropping down in front of the guys, ready to "go down" on them. Which is what they almost did until he freaked out and threw everyone out of the house. Except his daughters, who I'm sure he locked up forever.

GOOD GOD! Am I such a prude to think that this is ridiculous, disgusting behaviour!? I must be, because apparently this "game" is common among teenagers - all this time, schools and agencies have been lecturing against teen pregnancy - what they didn't realize is that horny teens will always find a way to be sexual, and work around that fear of pregnancy (i.e. have oral sex instead, there's no risk there right?)

And not to sound like a flaming feminist, but it seems like it's always the girls that have to perform the sexual acts in order to please the boys - it seems like they always give something up - in this case their self-respect - to be accepted. To that I say don't do it girls! Your respect and body are valuable and very unique possessions! One bad choice and you can spend a lifetime trying to build them back up again.

Or maybe I'm just old.

An Olympic mess

Reading the news lately? The Olympics in China are causing quite a ruckus... and we're still 4 months away! Seems the fact that the Chinese government is a big bully is pissing a lot of people off - myself included.
I still can't believe that the Olympic Committee chose Beijing over Toronto - why are we acknowledging, and in fact rewarding and investing in a country that is so outdated on the definition of freedom? I am curious if any countries will take a real stand as we get closer to the actual event - I feel badly for the athletes that want to participate in this huge event, but shame on the organizers for allowing such a controversial country to host the Olympics.

You CAN have a Hollywood ending...

So... I was celebrating my birthday with my friends in Toronto last weekend - we all got together for a really nice dinner and night out at Ultra on Queen St. I was having a really great time, until I put down my purse to boogie with my friends - within 5 seconds, I felt someone brush past me and when I looked back, my purse was gone! I don't think I've ever been that upset... I spent the rest of the night holding my mankee (long story), with a tear stained face and rage-filled eyes, staring at every single person leave the club and checking if they were carrying a brown clutch. Obviously no luck.

The cops called my house at 6 a.m. and introduced themselves as the "Toronto Police calling for Monika". Well that nearly gave my dad a heart attack, but the good news was they found my purse, wallet and keys. Of all people, a homeless man found my dumped purse in the parking lot and turned it in! We tried to find him to thank him but no luck. In the end, I grieved the loss of my iPhone and camera, but moved on.

Lo and behold, this Saturday morning a Mississauga man called my house asking for Wassim - turns out he FOUND the phone and wanted to return it!! I got my iPhone back, with some scratches and protruding parts, but if possible I love it more despite and because of its flaws - at least now I know no one will steal it again....