Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm a lover, not a fighter

Ahh, a quote from one of MJ's cheesiest (cheesiest!) songs sums up my entry today.

I do not like conflict!

I really realized this yesterday, when 2 of my friends were exhanging sarcastic comments - they of course were not serious about it, but I could not handle even the possibility that they meant what they were saying. Everytime a situation comes up that has potential to turn into a confrontation, I feel incredible uncomfortable and tense and need to either get rid of the confrontation or leave. It's kinda that same feeling I get when I watch American Idol and someone is butchering a song and I just cannot watch because I feel so bad for them.

I don't think of this feeling as a weakness - why should avoiding confrontation be considered a bad thing?? I find most of my friends who DO look for it end up with needless drama in their lives, and that's not an admirable quality.

Buuuut I have to say a few exceptions exist to this disposition. First: if you are a drunk girl at a club, getting into my dancing space and starting to annoy me, I will call you on it. And then may or may not nudge you out of my space. And then may nudge you harder... you get the point, just don't do it. Second: my relationship with my mom (all regular rules go out the window :)

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