Ok, the man obviously comes from a genetic predisposition of idiocy - a brother called Rooster, who named his son Miller Lyte (???). A quick google search showed he lives by the saying "Just keep livin' "(no sh*t) and once said "I love having my hands in the dirt… If it comes down to me versus that weed I’m trying to pull out of the ground that doesn’t want to come out - I know I’ll win."
Then I read an article on People.com (yes, I read it) about how he sat between his girlfriend's legs and played the bongo while she was in labour - if my hubbie tried to pull some kind of drums on me I would flip right out. Or maybe wonder how I ruined my gene pool by procreating with this man...

Sigh... ok, maybe I can see why she did it. Maybe they didn't do much talking.
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