I can't believe it, but it's been almost a year since I've started the killer phase of relationship - long distance.
Sometimes it gets really tough to deal with, in which case I go into google and do a little search about how other people deal with it - in fact, it seems like a lot of people try this out because of school, work or apparently joining the army and leaving for overseas (can't really compare myself to those).
Anyway, I keep finding lists of tips on how to deal with the long distance, which are mainly these following points:
1) Defining needs: being transparent in the kind of commitment you're looking for, and setting the correct expectations. This one's a biggie - whenever there are differing expectations things tend to fall apart.
2) Setting a end point to the long distance - also a biggie! I can't imagine if someone were trying to go through long distance with no endpoint in mind... that would be torturous to say the least.
B) A sub-bullet to this point is setting an endpoint within the time away - I also don't know how people would survive without knowing when they can see the person next, and it also is a huge help to have something to look forward to...
3) Communication - duh. Emails, calls, texts, mail... spontaneity is a even better.
4) Trust - double duh. Without this no relationship would work, let alone long distance.
I feel like that's it - as long as expectations are set and there is an end to the madness with visits in between, what more can you do?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So, in the past 36 hours I've managed to:
- Get in a fight with my grandma to the point where I hang up on her (this is not normal behaviour)
- Get in a fight with Adam for the first time ever
- Get a gay porn virus on my computer, and have to reload from factory settings without being able to backup
- No longer consider the Dubai move an option after a month of discussing and applying there
- Find an apartment and decide to move out
- Have my phone stop working and unable to make outgoing calls
- Get on my online banking account on Monday morning to find that my balance is 0 because the company I invested in has halted trading
- Find out I wasn't listening closely enough when my boyfriend was telling me he's sick, and feel like a selfish spoiled child
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to win pity - in fact, the one thing these problems have in common is me, which would make me the cause for most of them. Most situations are inthe person's control, therefore I am no pondering what it is that I am doing wrong to cause these events.
I can answer each one by saying that I made a wrong decision, that these things happened because I was not exercising my ability to be a better person, that a few slip ups in judgment landed me in a boiling hot mess of emotion from Sunday evening to last night.
To be honest, almost the entire list doesn't matter because all the events are in my control and I have almost solved all of them. The only one out of my control is the last one, which is really the only one that matters.
Anyway, all of this to say that adulthood leaves something to be desired, and that sometimes I'd like to go back in time where I could impress the teacher just by making something rhyme. (Did you see what I did there?)
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