We were not really supposed to spend time in Vienna, but since our train to Budapest would have lasted 9 hours, and we would have to transfer train stations in between, we decided to be craaazy and stay there for about 18 hours (including overnight). I felt that I was cheated by Vienna (and more specifically the Viennese coffee) so I decided that it was time the city repayed their debt to me and showed me a good time. I also forgave the coffee.
Adam and I got to Vienna at 6ish, and by the time we checked into our awesome hostel (really, one bathroom for 2 people compared to one for 35 is heaven) it was around 8. We took a walk downtown and saw Vienna by night: the Museums Quarter, the Ring streets, ate some Wiener Schnitzel (Adam) and unknown dumplings (me) and Karlsplatz. The next morning we decided to take the 2 o'clock train to Buda-buda, and had 3 hours in the morning to work it speedily. We visited the Hofburg, Stephansplatz, etc. but also included Cafe Central, a well-known cafe which even has its own brew of coffee. Finding it took a while, since it was covered by construction, but inside it was the classiest, most luxurious place I've ever been: I felt like a complete bum. It was then that my 2 week-long and very intense war with Viennese coffee was laid to rest, and I actually enjoyed an espresso (my 5th coffee in, oh, 20 years). Adam, coffee-addict that he is, ws in heaven. I think we took 5 pictures (and the Hofburg got one).
We thought we were doing well on time, but needless to say, we were BOOTING it at 1:45 for a 1:55 train with a huge bag of last minute groceries (needed to appease the "Adam hungry beast" which I discovered earlier - not pretty), 2 bags and my backpack. I think I burned a day's worth of calories. We were really lucky, since the train was 5 minutes delayed, and we made it and managed to catch our breaths before we left.
I have been learning a lot about the brother I thought I knew so well. Here's a mini digression I dedicate to all of you as the "What I Learned About My Brother, Part 1":
1) He needs to eat. ALL THE TIME. He is NEVER full. If he says he is, he's lying. If you think he is, he will amaze you with the quantity of food he is about to eat. If you are with him, plan for a food break every 2 hours unless you want to see the Hungry Hulk unleashed. (I say this out of love for you bro, and out of concern for everyone else.)
2) His engineering degree is coming in quite handy as he teaches me the delicate science of making a broken mp3 player work. First take the battery out, and put it in again. Next, smash the thing with all your might and try to turn it on. Repeat if necessary.
3) His kindness is often misinterpreted for aggression due to his size and voice. When on the train, he offered cookies to the young girl sitting next to us. His delicate mumble of "want some" sounded more like a deep, loud, murderous grunt of "huh", after which her mom moved subtly away from him. Our first impression on the Hungarians must have been a scary one.
Vienna amazed us, but Budapest was more than we could have hoped for - Europe is truly beautiful and unique.
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