Does this really look like a man who can lead our country?
Take a good look: he looks like a little boy lost in a playground, seducing the Canadian public with those puppy dog, watery eyes.
With the federal elections not too far in the distance, and the Conservative Party losing ground every day, it seems that the Liberals are well-positioned to win those elections. Which means the timid Mr. Dion will likely be our next Prime Minister.
I’ve been getting more involved in politics recently, what with more than half of my friends either a candidate for or supporting provincial/federal parties. I’m really trying to be passionate about it, but it’s difficult for me to choose sides – I’m a fence sitter, which really isn’t allowed in politics. You choose one party, and then stick with them for life while mocking the opposition.
I was actually a Michael Ignatieff supporter for a while – he’s from my ‘hood, he’s an academic and easy on the eyes. But a few speeches later and I lost my inspiration and stopped following the Liberal Leader race.
Watching the coverage this weekend, I was still convinced the whole time that he would win. However, when it came down to the last ballot, Michael lost that confident smile he had been sporting throughout the whole election and I finally admitted that Dion might win.
It’s just that when you really think about Canada and its reputation, and the current situation we’re in, I can hardly see this man as an assertive, articulate speaker. I’m even going through a French phase (in that I love them and would move to Montreal in a second), but I’m neither inspired nor confident in the new leader. Picture him trying to fight the bully that is the US, or gain an audience with Chinese leaders (Harper had some trouble) or invoke fear into terrorists hearts when we join the fight on terrorism.
I’ve been getting more involved in politics recently, what with more than half of my friends either a candidate for or supporting provincial/federal parties. I’m really trying to be passionate about it, but it’s difficult for me to choose sides – I’m a fence sitter, which really isn’t allowed in politics. You choose one party, and then stick with them for life while mocking the opposition.
I was actually a Michael Ignatieff supporter for a while – he’s from my ‘hood, he’s an academic and easy on the eyes. But a few speeches later and I lost my inspiration and stopped following the Liberal Leader race.
Watching the coverage this weekend, I was still convinced the whole time that he would win. However, when it came down to the last ballot, Michael lost that confident smile he had been sporting throughout the whole election and I finally admitted that Dion might win.
It’s just that when you really think about Canada and its reputation, and the current situation we’re in, I can hardly see this man as an assertive, articulate speaker. I’m even going through a French phase (in that I love them and would move to Montreal in a second), but I’m neither inspired nor confident in the new leader. Picture him trying to fight the bully that is the US, or gain an audience with Chinese leaders (Harper had some trouble) or invoke fear into terrorists hearts when we join the fight on terrorism.
I can’t believe I’m going to say this… but next time, I’m voting Conservative.
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