So I've been going through a "cute phase" recently, and my senses are acutely aware of anything remotely adorable or endearing. I saw this video a while ago, but it was recently brought to my attention again and it really makes me laugh (especially after something crappy at work). You will either think I'm the biggest nerd, or it will make you laugh at least a little.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Ooops, she did it... again?!?!

So I had a full out post written about stuff that's going on in my life, but I though I'd take the opportunity to comment (being the millionth person to do so, no doubt) about the girl/mom/Girl-Interrupted-in-real-life that is Britney Spears.
I have to admit, I have always been a Britney fan - I can even say she was my girl idol crush at her peak (Slave for You? Hellooooo hot). Every girl wanted her abs, and her love life (circa JT) and her moolah. Because for the girls of my generation, she was the girl who grew into a woman as we became women too - she serenaded our teenage and semi-adult life with lovely, poppy and sugary tunes when we needed the break from the angst-filled Alanis, trippy Radiohead, and boy crushes BSB and NSync.
I really think this is why we are all taking this recent situation with Britney so seriously. I mean, we all thought K-Fed wasn't good enough for her, but felt bad like you do for your girlfriends - who hasn't fallen for a guy that looked great to you but was really a loser to everyone else? And when she got married and got pregnant, we were happy for her in a disappointed way, but we knew she would bounce back because she is Britney - despite her mistakes, we knew her career was huge to her and that the comeback was eminent.
Which is why the break-up with K-Fed was a huge deal - she finally got rid of what was holding her down. Instead, it seems like she got rid of what was holding her together. What is going on now!? Drugs, sex, partying and with two kids at home?
I have to say, I still had faith until the head shaving incident. I became less naive to the possibility that it was all being blown out of proportion, and realized that this is a really, really sad version of Britney. And what's worse, is if it happened to someone like her (albeit she's not the most intelligent), what would stop us, those girls that grew up with her, from having this nervous breakdown potential?
I really just hope that something can save her, because she has (had?) so much potential that she lost in the past 3 months. And lemme tell you, the only person happy about this situation must be Tom Cruise, because "head shaving" is the new Crazy - "couch hopping" has moved to a distant second.
For my part, I'm keeping the electric clippers faaaaar away from my house.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
R.I.P. Paula Menendez

The past few days have been filled with shock, sadness and disgust at the Debowski house.
On Monday morning, our street was filled with cop cars and the house right across the street from us was cordoned off with police tape. We had no idea what happened, except that my dad’s physiotherapist, and our neighbour, Paula Menendez, lived in that house.
The story started off with a rumour that Paula had been abducted - her door was found wide open, and her car was in the driveway. Laura, our neighbour, was getting questioned by the police and was really upset.
As the day progressed, the news reported on having found 2 women murdered in a house in Markham. Getting home that evening, the police found out that one of the women was the (alleged) murderer’s husband, and the other was not yet identified. For a passing moment, I thought about Paula being involved in this murder, but dismissed it almost immediately.
Imagine our surprise when news crews showed up on our street, and started interviewing residents about Paula’s murder - her being the other woman in Markham. All of our neighbours are shocked, and disturbed by the constant presence of cop cars on our street. It turns out that it is highly likely that Paula was abducted, by Christopher Little, and then taken to Markham where she likely watched Julie getting stabbed and killed, and was then dragged to the garage, bound and hanged. The details of the story involve a love triangle, with Paula’s husband Rick recently dating Julie, Christopher Little’s husband.
This is really a surreal situation - to think that someone living so close to you could be robbed of their life in such a brutal and violent way. We all keep thinking about the absolute terror that Paula went through on Sunday night, and feel incredible guilt about possibly being just a few metres away when the coward came to attack an innocent woman. I am disgusted, shocked and will forever feel partly to blame for not noticing that anything was wrong. I can only hope that whoever did this will be punished enough for the crime of robbing 2 girls of their mother, and murdering another because of his own fucked up life.
Friday, February 09, 2007
This puts a whole new spin on B.O.

I was about to make a comment about how I completely disagree with an article I read (at least on a conscious level) and how sweat is gross.... but I got, and still am, distracted by the hotness that are Brad Pitt's abs (glistening ones, no less).
So... back to focus. Reading the news this morning, and trying to sift through the plethora of articles regarding Anna Nicole Smith, I found this great one about how females are sexually aroused and get a faster heart beat simply by smelling a chemical found in guy's sweat.
Mmmmm, crazy delicious.
Of course, the scientists found a useful result of this experiment - the smell of sweat actually increases cortisol levels, which is what makes humans able to cope with stress, and well-being - basically feel-good stuff for the body.
Anyway, as a business person, this is somewhat inspiring - perhaps I will create a product that simulates the smell of sweat and sell it?? “Eau d’homme: guaranteed to make your night a “feel-good” night”.
Oh man! Maybe that’s what the put in Axe? Bummer… I’m always the last to know…
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I can NOT believe he didn't do this when I went to see him!!!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Romeo and Juliet

This is definitely something I've never seen before...
Apparently archaeologists have found 5000 year old skeletal remains of a male and female in an embrace near – where else – Verona, Italy. It seems like it’s the real proof to Shakespeare’s story, despite the 6000 + year difference between the age of the remains and the classic tragedy.
The article is pretty self-explanatory, but I just love to think what the background is behind this story – were they really lovers trying to escape something and dying together? Could Shakespeare have been inspired by some variation of an original true story, and used it to write his own?
There’s something to be said about seeing such a tender moment captured in history, underground for over 6000 years. Seeing these kinds of discoveries makes me appreciate what it means to be a human, and a small but important part of our history – I wonder what fossils our generation will leave for humans in 5000 years… hopefully it’s not just a legacy of indifference for the environment and a global crisis on their hands.
Apparently archaeologists have found 5000 year old skeletal remains of a male and female in an embrace near – where else – Verona, Italy. It seems like it’s the real proof to Shakespeare’s story, despite the 6000 + year difference between the age of the remains and the classic tragedy.
The article is pretty self-explanatory, but I just love to think what the background is behind this story – were they really lovers trying to escape something and dying together? Could Shakespeare have been inspired by some variation of an original true story, and used it to write his own?
There’s something to be said about seeing such a tender moment captured in history, underground for over 6000 years. Seeing these kinds of discoveries makes me appreciate what it means to be a human, and a small but important part of our history – I wonder what fossils our generation will leave for humans in 5000 years… hopefully it’s not just a legacy of indifference for the environment and a global crisis on their hands.
Monday, February 05, 2007
The inevitable post has finally come...

So with Valentine's Day quickly approaching, and a few recent changes in my friends' singledoms, I thought I would finally post about the inevitable conversation topic: relationships.
I don't know whether it's the recent holidays, or whether spring fever has come early this year, but at least 4 of my close friends have recently given up their precious single status to be nauseatingly happy in fast-moving relationships.
That sounded incredibly bitter... and I don't think I am, although there is something bewitching in the thought that there actually is someone out there willing to put up with your crap and still be with you despite it.
As an outsider, I can say that I find all the PDAs and constant hand-holding a little over-the-top, although I guess it's not as disgusting when you're actually in the relationship. But with my recent resolution to become more open to dating, I realized that it's increasingly difficult to find someone - especially since I am very clear and decided in what I want in a guy.
Perhaps I am a little bitter this morning... having gone on several dates recently, I had a fantastic experience this weekend but it made me realize that there are so many factors out of my control - even if I do manage to meet this close-to-perfect man, there is always the issue of timing which seems to always get in the way.
However, after reading this article on msn, it lifted my mood a little bit - it's a pretty accurate measure of what you can gain from being single:>1=8953.
That being said, I am happy for all you couples - if anything, it makes my life easier because you're all in such good moods. Keep it up - just try to tone down the PDAs and get a room.
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