So I had a full out post written about stuff that's going on in my life, but I though I'd take the opportunity to comment (being the millionth person to do so, no doubt) about the girl/mom/Girl-Interrupted-in-real-life that is Britney Spears.
I have to admit, I have always been a Britney fan - I can even say she was my girl idol crush at her peak (Slave for You? Hellooooo hot). Every girl wanted her abs, and her love life (circa JT) and her moolah. Because for the girls of my generation, she was the girl who grew into a woman as we became women too - she serenaded our teenage and semi-adult life with lovely, poppy and sugary tunes when we needed the break from the angst-filled Alanis, trippy Radiohead, and boy crushes BSB and NSync.
I really think this is why we are all taking this recent situation with Britney so seriously. I mean, we all thought K-Fed wasn't good enough for her, but felt bad like you do for your girlfriends - who hasn't fallen for a guy that looked great to you but was really a loser to everyone else? And when she got married and got pregnant, we were happy for her in a disappointed way, but we knew she would bounce back because she is Britney - despite her mistakes, we knew her career was huge to her and that the comeback was eminent.
Which is why the break-up with K-Fed was a huge deal - she finally got rid of what was holding her down. Instead, it seems like she got rid of what was holding her together. What is going on now!? Drugs, sex, partying and with two kids at home?
I have to say, I still had faith until the head shaving incident. I became less naive to the possibility that it was all being blown out of proportion, and realized that this is a really, really sad version of Britney. And what's worse, is if it happened to someone like her (albeit she's not the most intelligent), what would stop us, those girls that grew up with her, from having this nervous breakdown potential?
I really just hope that something can save her, because she has (had?) so much potential that she lost in the past 3 months. And lemme tell you, the only person happy about this situation must be Tom Cruise, because "head shaving" is the new Crazy - "couch hopping" has moved to a distant second.
For my part, I'm keeping the electric clippers faaaaar away from my house.
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