Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's Christmastime, it's Christmastime

The older I become, the sooner Christmastime starts - this year, a Christmas carol was first played on November 1. And the warm and fuzzy feelings started... I can't tell whether the warm and fuzzy feelings are around because I'm already more feeling-y than usual, but whatever it is, anytime I see a red Starbucks cup or a Christmas tree I get a little giddy.

I don't really care about the fact that "Christmas is commercialized" or that it's now an agnostic holiday, because as long as people still get that warm and fuzzy feeling, it's ok (as long as it's not because they're anticipating all the gifts they're going to get). Every year for 12 years of my childhood I would be spending this time putting on Christmas concerts, teaching and taking young kids to carol in public, and all around just preparing for the end of the year.

This year I have the added bonus of taking a little trip before Christmas, so I am a bagillion times more excited and thumpering with anticipation.

I just hope it snows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know what you're getting for Christmas