Monday, December 10, 2007

Smarties - do you eat the red ones last?

I have some Halloween candy left over, which consists of mini Smarties boxes which are really the perfect size. I like to dump out the whole box, and put matching pairs of Smarties in one pile, and the ones with no matching colour in another. I like to eat the single colour ones one at a time, which is first suck on them until they break down the middle and eat the cholocate, and then the shells. Once I'm done that pile, I like the eat the pairs the "normal" way, with one on each side of my mouth.

Weird? Yes. OCD? Perhaps. But it makes me feel sooooo good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoot! yeahh thats the way to do it exept i always leave the red for last no matter if they are pairs or not!! ;D mmm,,, red smarties ;P