So I've been showing my age recently - I've been condemning the "young people these days" and comparing them to "the good old days when I was a teenager"... you'd think I was a grandma already. But my reaction to the following story in appropriate! Seriously!
It wasn't told directly to me, but happened to a father not long ago... he has 2 young teenage daughters (something like 14, 15) and left them at home for an evening. On his way to his event, he realized he forgot something at home and went back to get it. He noticed a few extra cars in the driveway, and came in and saw that the group was in the basement. He walked in on this little scene: 3 boys sitting in a circle, facing out with their pants off. 3 girls, including his daughters, standing in front of the boys, singing "Ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of posies, blah blah blah, we all go DOWN" and then dropping down in front of the guys, ready to "go down" on them. Which is what they almost did until he freaked out and threw everyone out of the house. Except his daughters, who I'm sure he locked up forever.
GOOD GOD! Am I such a prude to think that this is ridiculous, disgusting behaviour!? I must be, because apparently this "game" is common among teenagers - all this time, schools and agencies have been lecturing against teen pregnancy - what they didn't realize is that horny teens will always find a way to be sexual, and work around that fear of pregnancy (i.e. have oral sex instead, there's no risk there right?)
And not to sound like a flaming feminist, but it seems like it's always the girls that have to perform the sexual acts in order to please the boys - it seems like they always give something up - in this case their self-respect - to be accepted. To that I say don't do it girls! Your respect and body are valuable and very unique possessions! One bad choice and you can spend a lifetime trying to build them back up again.
Or maybe I'm just old.