I have a few material things that make me very happy. I don't know why, but everytime I see them I get such a warm and comfy feeling. I figure why not blog about these things when I come in contact with them, so when I'm old and senile I can just surround myself with these items in a room and live in content.
P.S. Please no judgment, some of these are painfully obvious, some are very simple and some are just silly.
Numero Uno:

Yes, I know - everyone loves it. Except Blackberry lovers (and with the new Bold, I am emotionally cheating on my iPhone a bit). But I am attached to this gorgeous piece of technology in ways I never thought I would be... plus the fact that it's a gift from my g.b.f. makes it my new baby that I carry EVERYWHERE.
Numero deux:

Honourable mention goes to Techniclick 0.5 pencils - I love those damn things. But I can't add them on their own cause I would look even nerdier than I do already.
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