Women talk more than men do – 3 times more!
A study stated that on average, women use a whopping 20,000 words in one day, while men barely use 7,000. This brings about an interesting debate…
Do men use less words cause they’re smarter, dumber or just unable to express themselves? Do women use more words because they’re more emotional, and therefore need to voice those feelings? And is this something we should equalize/ attempt to narrow the gap, or is it just one of those differences between men and women that we all love to analyze…
When I compare my mom and myself to my brother and dad, I can definitely see the difference in word use – it’s actually a common spat in our family – my dad tries to get a word in but my mom is too quick for him.
To me, the more you speak, the more you have to bullsh*t – how else can you account for the extra word use? I must say, I have long been a fan of saying more in few words – I have put conscious effort into not talking as much (I find this makes me seem like I understand everything at work while I really don’t have any idea what they’re talking about). I also find people (a.k.a. women) at work who talk too much annoy not only me, but make me doubt their real capability since the BS factor seems to be so high.
Really, some self-control is needed at time- in my male-dominated workplace, I keep myself in check to make sure I don’t sound like a ditz. Once I leave that office though, it’s time to relax – I say let everyone speak! It really takes greater skill to be able to verbalize what you’re saying… anyone can shut themselves up. Otherwise, one day bottling up all that “talk” might turn you into a crazy on the streets of Toronto that just talks to him/herself…