Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I learn more from the radio in transit to work than I actually do AT work

So apparently myth is true… although it doesn’t seem so much a myth because if you watch any group of women, they prove that it has to be a bona fide fact (every episode of Sex and the City is based on this fact).

Women talk more than men do – 3 times more!

A study stated that on average, women use a whopping 20,000 words in one day, while men barely use 7,000. This brings about an interesting debate…

Do men use less words cause they’re smarter, dumber or just unable to express themselves? Do women use more words because they’re more emotional, and therefore need to voice those feelings? And is this something we should equalize/ attempt to narrow the gap, or is it just one of those differences between men and women that we all love to analyze…

When I compare my mom and myself to my brother and dad, I can definitely see the difference in word use – it’s actually a common spat in our family – my dad tries to get a word in but my mom is too quick for him.

To me, the more you speak, the more you have to bullsh*t – how else can you account for the extra word use? I must say, I have long been a fan of saying more in few words – I have put conscious effort into not talking as much (I find this makes me seem like I understand everything at work while I really don’t have any idea what they’re talking about). I also find people (a.k.a. women) at work who talk too much annoy not only me, but make me doubt their real capability since the BS factor seems to be so high.

Really, some self-control is needed at time- in my male-dominated workplace, I keep myself in check to make sure I don’t sound like a ditz. Once I leave that office though, it’s time to relax – I say let everyone speak! It really takes greater skill to be able to verbalize what you’re saying… anyone can shut themselves up. Otherwise, one day bottling up all that “talk” might turn you into a crazy on the streets of Toronto that just talks to him/herself…

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pho? How bout NO

If evil were to take form as food, it would be Pho.

I'd like to add that I am really trying to be experimental with food choices - I definitely tried a lot of different foods in Europe, and I attempt to keep an open mind (as much as I can complain while I do it).

I knew Pho and I weren't meant to be when I smelled the coriander in the mix - I don't know what it is, but coriander makes me... I won't get graphic. Not only that, but the smell sticks with me for days after. *Shudder*

Then, Dirk (my coworker) pointed out the pieces of tripe or stomach or whatever it was... I swear, my imagination got the better of me and I couldn't eat anymore.

Good news though - I couldn't eat anything the rest of the day - looks like I found that secret method for sticking to that diet my trainer tried to put me on.

P.S. This post is not meant to offend any Vietnamese people - I'm sure you're all lovely, and that other choices on the menu were delicious, but yuck.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Has someone been reading my blog?

It seems my tirade against O.J. Simpson's TV interview and book made a difference - both have been cancelled today! This is the first time that media has listened to me - and about oh, 10 million other people.

And in the meantime, we count another beloved star making a nosedive in their reputation - Kramer, from Seinfeld, was doing stand-up and was getting heckled by some (apparently) black people, because he went into a shameful verbal assault against them. It seems like he had a mini-crazy moment - possibly pulling an Anne Heche, circa 2001, or maybe a Mel Gibson, circa raging alcoholic. Either way, somewhat unfortunate. Check it out on (with video!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"IF I did it" - BS by OJ Simpson

I know I said I’d write about happy things… but the truth of the matter is that happy things are often boring, rare, and I’m unable to rant about them. They just don’t get me into the Mozone, you know?

Hence my next subject – I read about O.J. this morning: he is writing a book and interviewing with Fox about the murders he “didn’t” commit. He will write/discuss how he would have done it IF he was the one that murdered Nicole and Ron.

I don’t understand how people can watch this bull. How can you watch someone describe a murder that he obviously committed with the smug satisfaction that he did not get charged nor will ever be charged? This is an actual quote from the interview: “I have never seen so much blood in my life. I don’t think any two people could be murdered without everybody being covered in blood.” I don’t even know what to say to that… I only hope that his kids aren’t watching, because not only am I disgusted that someone would give this loser any more attention for being a murderer, I am infuriated that the US judicial system would allow for something like this to happen – he should be stopped and silenced forever.

I rest my case.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

After canvassing for 6 months and having an amazing team to support him, Andrew’s hard work paid off last night. Although he didn’t actually beat the incumbent/offensive John Filion, he got an amazing 35% from his ward.

Needless to say I am slightly hungover and very tired this morning… my night ended around 1:30 (not bad for a Monday) after traveling home on the subway from Yonge and Sheppard and making several pit stops along the way.

Whatever happened, it was all worth it – I’m proud to say I worked on a campaign for a guy like Andrew. As Pat would say, “a real class act”.

Monday, November 13, 2006

E-Day is finally here...

After helping Andrew out for the past few months, the day is finally here - election time!

Go out and vote, and then come celebrate Andrew Miller's successful campaign in Willowdale - he deserves it!

On a side and completely unrelated note, I just read an interesting article on CNN about Toronto, professors and weed - we should be proud that we got into international headlines with this story.... riiiiiiight.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good ol' TTC...

So although I bitch about commuting, it definitely gives me a chance to satisfy my obsession with Sudokus, books, music and people-watching for about 2 hours every day.

Although most days I'm either touched or amused by people's actions, the past few days have made me realize that a) riding the subway is like a microcosm for the "real world" and the type of people in it b) (continuing on that thread) there are a lot of "weirdos" in Toronto and c) there are a lot more homeless people than I realized (now that it's cold outside, the homeless keep to warmer areas).

A touching moment was yesterday, when an elderly couple got onto the subway, snuggled together and both fell asleep during the ride. It sounds cliche, but it was cute since they were doing it without any false pretense.

Some scarier experiences were when I saw a group of teens harass another teen (damn bullies), then myself got assaulted on the same day. Some guy started touching me, and then following me off the subway - thankfully a pair of knights in shining suits saved me with their white briefcases. A modern day fairy tale perhaps?

The worst part of my commute was yesterday, when I was coming back from Spanish class - as I was entering the subway, sirens were going off behind me and following me up to the entrance. I was trying to get to the Westbound trains at Yonge/Bloor, and as I was transferring through, I noticed a commotion and a man perched on a railing in the tunnel looking like he was ready to commit suicide. Turns out the sirens were cops trying to come stop him...

EIther way, it really saddened me that this actually happens - I mean, I'm not naive enough to think that suicide is more common than the public assumes, but to actually see someone desperate enough to do it in PUBLIC is a tragedy.

On that note, I've decided to write about happier things from now- it seems my blogs always end on a sad note, which is not an indication of me at all. Sooooo.... next blog: rainbows and puppies and raindrops on roses.... you get my drift.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


It has finally happened!

TMZ ( has just reported that Britney Spears filed for divorce from Kevin Federline - anyone who knows me knows that a) I love keeping up with Hollywood gossip b) I always loved Britney and c) K-Fed is white trash.

This is my superficial side coming out, but I am glad that she finally got rid of him. And she waited til she looked good and caused a stir last night on Letterman to do it.

You go girl! (I can't pull that off can I?)

Monday, November 06, 2006


I lost my mother%\*$& in cell phone on the subway - I'm an idiot!!

I thought I'd try and vent on the blog to deal with this major annoyance. Oh, and to mention that I am a predictable human being: it seems the 5 Stages of Grief apply to me: I passed Denial about 2 hours ago, when I couldn't believe that it happened to me, and tore through my purse/bag/car/clothing (with odd stares from fellow subwayers). I am currently, and obviously, going through the Anger stage - if any of you were here with me right now... well, you don't want to be.

Beware of stages 3-5: Bargaining (yeah right), Depression (ouch) and Acceptance (very far away). Don't say I didn't warn you.