So although I bitch about commuting, it definitely gives me a chance to satisfy my obsession with Sudokus, books, music and people-watching for about 2 hours every day.
Although most days I'm either touched or amused by people's actions, the past few days have made me realize that a) riding the subway is like a microcosm for the "real world" and the type of people in it b) (continuing on that thread) there are a lot of "weirdos" in Toronto and c) there are a lot more homeless people than I realized (now that it's cold outside, the homeless keep to warmer areas).
A touching moment was yesterday, when an elderly couple got onto the subway, snuggled together and both fell asleep during the ride. It sounds cliche, but it was cute since they were doing it without any false pretense.
Some scarier experiences were when I saw a group of teens harass another teen (damn bullies), then myself got assaulted on the same day. Some guy started touching me, and then following me off the subway - thankfully a pair of knights in shining suits saved me with their white briefcases. A modern day fairy tale perhaps?
The worst part of my commute was yesterday, when I was coming back from Spanish class - as I was entering the subway, sirens were going off behind me and following me up to the entrance. I was trying to get to the Westbound trains at Yonge/Bloor, and as I was transferring through, I noticed a commotion and a man perched on a railing in the tunnel looking like he was ready to commit suicide. Turns out the sirens were cops trying to come stop him...
EIther way, it really saddened me that this actually happens - I mean, I'm not naive enough to think that suicide is more common than the public assumes, but to actually see someone desperate enough to do it in PUBLIC is a tragedy.
On that note, I've decided to write about happier things from now- it seems my blogs always end on a sad note, which is not an indication of me at all. Sooooo.... next blog: rainbows and puppies and raindrops on roses.... you get my drift.
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