Monday, November 06, 2006


I lost my mother%\*$& in cell phone on the subway - I'm an idiot!!

I thought I'd try and vent on the blog to deal with this major annoyance. Oh, and to mention that I am a predictable human being: it seems the 5 Stages of Grief apply to me: I passed Denial about 2 hours ago, when I couldn't believe that it happened to me, and tore through my purse/bag/car/clothing (with odd stares from fellow subwayers). I am currently, and obviously, going through the Anger stage - if any of you were here with me right now... well, you don't want to be.

Beware of stages 3-5: Bargaining (yeah right), Depression (ouch) and Acceptance (very far away). Don't say I didn't warn you.

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