With some recent events in the past few days, I've realized that I am sometimes a really naive and gullible person.
I'm not refering to life in general (although I don't fare much better there), but it's the working world, and the behaviour that really has me confused.
This morning, I found myself in a pickle (I've been waiting to use that saying for quite some time now) because of a possibly inappropriate and line-crossing event that happened last night with a coworker. I don't even want to go into details, but I will just say that it was highly unexpected, and while I understand that consultants are humans too, I am seriously considering if this will have any reprecussions on my life - after all, what comes around goes around, and you can't always trust everybody right?
Because of the recent changes going on at work, I was until then an oblivious and happy-go-lucky member in my team. But since there has been some serious org changes, I've been hearing a lot of "you may like your team, but you really have to think of yourself in the end" or "the only person you can count on is yourself" and so on. To be honest, ever since this attitude reared its ugly head at work, the comraderie and quality of work has diminshed greatly - even I, the filter-free and optimist young one have been infected with the "self" vibe.
On that note, I have been seriously debating the issue of trusting people at work - I feel that I can trust friends if they give me a verbal promise not to betray my secrets, but what value does a verbal agreement have at work? If it means getting ahead, or looking good in front of the boss or, horror of all horrors, being fired, would anyone really protect their colleague? The line between friend and coworker invisible during good times, but it becomes painfully obvious when the tough gets goin.
I still intend to keep a positive attitude, but maybe yesterday was the time for my reality check. And really think about the power of my "word" - and watch what I say.
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