I am not necessarily saying this about me, but the past few weeks have been especially active in my social circle. It could have to do with it being spring fever, and people's foundations being shaken up by some extra hormones. Changes in career, family, love life, health, etc. has been on everyone's mind.
My recent diversion has been whether or not to activate the still-hibernating that is my love life specifically, since everything else seems to finally be stable. I'm starting to debate the importance of the zsa zsa zoo (SATC - that initial chemistry you get with a guy when it's really special). If it's really someone you can have a future with, do there need to be fireworks in the first moment you meet? Or can you be friends first and grow into a loving and chemistry-filled relationship? My friend Eva is convinced you need the amazing, initial contact in order for it to work. I am inclined to give others a chance - those guys that are great as friends, but who you don't necessarily want to jump within a minute of meeting them.
I am conflicted because I have a few friends that I have amazing chemistry with - verbally, of course. But there's a risk with trying to take it to the next level because 1) what if we're too far gone in the relationship for it to work, 2) if it was supposed to happen, wouldn't it have happened already, and 3) you can lose an amazing friend because of awkwardness.
Everyone always tells me that whatever happens, it's when you don't expect it and it's usually easy. But what if you miss that first window - can you wrench open a window later?
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