Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm inlove...

It has happened, and much, much sooner than I thought it would:

I have met someone, and I'm completely infatuated after only a few days.

Bold statement? Yes. But this male is exactly what I was looking for. First of all, he's incredibly low maintenance - he is completely happy (from what I can tell) with just hanging out with me, and doesn't need anything fancy to be content. He holds himself with a quiet dignity that few possess, says a lot using very few words. Of course, he's extremely good-looking, but a little too territorial sometimes (he would rip the competition to shreds, literally). Although it's only been a few days, he has been there to tuck me into bed and wakes up to greet me in the morning.

Want to see this gorgeous specimen? He's really one-of-a-kind:

Meet Moe.

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