With my office (partial) view into the building courtyard, I was surprised to see a large number of people frequenting (props to Adam) the outside walkway. It was pouring rain, and cold, and I couldn't figure out why people would subject themselves to an unpleasant environment.
...Then, I saw the magic sticks. People were obviously in need of the hit of tobacco and the trade-off between smoking and getting wet was an easy decision to make. I was and am surprised by how many addicted smokers there actually are - living in the suburbs, and hearing all the anti-smoking laws has deluded me into thinking that nobody smokes anymore, but one visit to downtown toronto during morning coffee or lunchtime definitely clears up the confusion.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really not one to loudly judge the smokers - even I have casually 'experimented' with cigarettes/cigars, and don't feel guilty about it. I don't think I can really understand people with a full-blown habit, that required a morning smoke to get through the day - then again, I'm not the type to have an addictive personality, so apparently I "will never understand".
Smoking provides some kind of high that people need, hence the addiction - find a new high! Listen to Brooke Shields (whose 80's advertisement against smoking I find highly amusing), whose "looks are spoiled" by the cancer stick. It can't possibly be the white jumpsuit and cheeks the colour of a fire truck that are ruining her vibe... Brooke Shields circa 1985 has a lot to teach you all, take notice and dump those cigarettes (especially the ones that you stick in your ears, those can hardly be good).
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