Not that I am thinking about it becoming a reality anytime soon - I'm still proud to say that I am in a selfish phase in my life, and that raising a child is nowhere near the realm of my possibility.
I have seen my share of bad parenting, and especially horrible parenting, through disasters in our (formal) social circle, through children at my mom's school and just through personal experience at my own schools. When it comes down to it, a lot of parents should have either waited, or declined the role in the first place. It's common sense that the environment that you grow up in creates the kind of person you are, with a few exceptions that break the mold.

I love the Cosby family - if I could choose a fantasy family of my own, I think they'd be a lot like them. I'll never forget the episode when Theo talks to his dad about not being smart enough to do well in school, and that he should be able to choose his own path in life, which doesn't necessarily have to be so hard. He talks at length about loving him no matter what he studies, and that his dad should accept that. A Full House episode would have called for a pat on the back, and a "don't worry, honey, you can settle for mediocrity if that's what you want" moment.
Cosby, on the other hand, replied with the unforgettable "that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!". Classic... it sounds exactly like my dad, and it was refreshing to know that there were other kids out there trying to take the easy way out and the parents to nip that kind of mentality right in the bud.
Anyway, I digress once more... my blog is inspired by an article I read this morning. It seems there is a study saying that autism could be caused by too much TV at a young age:,8599,1548682,00.html?cnn=yes. These kinds of studies freak me out, since it puts one more thing on the ownice of the parent. I am by no means a control freak, but remembering all the "dos and don'ts" of parenting make me realize I am far from ready or willing to become a mom. Or I could try to adopt a child from Malawi, but it seems that's fraught with even more problems than having my own.
I think that being selfish, single and lovin it is the way to go for me - no mini-Monika's for now.
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