Adam picked me up at the station and we took to scenic route through the City Center (no, not downtown, City Center) to his rez. His buddy left back home early and ended up having a free room, so I got to stay for free and right in the residential area (bonus!). We went for some delicious food with his buddies, who ended up being mostly Canadian and a girl from New Orleans with a Theatre background - awesome group! We went out for drinks after and did a little bar hopping - Cardiff is actually much smaller and more residential than I thought, but that doesn't mean it lacks in excitement. On our way to the local student pub we met two guys (Irish? Welsh? English? we'll never know) who were dressed as women, makeup and all. I asked if they lost a bet, but it seems they just enjoy 'dressing up' literally when they go drinking. They were loaded by 9pm by the way, and we had some wildly funny conversations about European and North American politics, which I couldn't take seriously because of the awesome lipstick and mascara job they did.
Anyway, we ended up chillin at Adam's friend's til about 3am listening to old school music and playing funny tipsy/drunken games and watching youtube. I set the alarm for this morning and Adam walked me to the bus station to catch my plane to Dublin - and here I am! I've already heard tons of Polish and seen tons of stores with Polska written all over them. I feel somewhat home here, I can see the allure for all our young peeps to be moving here.
On a side note, I have to comment on the 3 most important men in my life (other than Dad and Adam) - in no particular order are Robin Thicke, Michael Buble and Timbaland. Their music is what keeps me going on all these buses and airplanes, it's so comforting to hear some nice American music sometimes haha. Also, I just finished reading The 5 People You'll Meet in Heaven and Tipping Point, which are both amazing books.
Vacationing is really great... although I'm much more sentimental than I thought - I miss everyone!! Hopefully I can move past this sucker moment - maybe a nice Guinness on a patio somewhere soon, oh in about 10 mins, will help.
Cheers to Eire!! (That's Dublin in Gaelic)
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