I have to say, last year I loved the fact that I was traveling alone, and took a lot of time to write and 'discover' myself. I've had enough of that this year, what with starting a new job and constantly focusing on becoming more self aware. The travel alone this time was even more pronounced becasue I had such a good time with friends, so there was a constant comparison... I still like the fact that I could dictate my own terms though, and it's still a better way to meet people. How else could I have gotten to know the fam so well?
2) People will still like you even when you're not wearing makeup, have your hair done and wearing high heels
I know this seems like such a shallow thing to write, but because I live and work in Toronto, not coming to work looking well-maintained is unacceptable. So I got used to the fact that needing an hour to get ready was just a part of my day. In Croatia, my daily routine was basically brushing my unstyled hair, throwing on some sunscreen and my bathing suit and heading out. Lo and behold, the people I met didn't even care about all that, and I even managed to meet someone while 'au naturel'. It just changed my perspective on what people are really like, and that people really do care about your personality above it all.
3) Things always happen faster when on vacation - your normal rules don't applyThank God for this one! My vacation in Europe required a more 'relaxed' Mon, and it was a thousand times better because of it. I could dabble in some vices that I usually never touch in Canada, and meet people and discuss things that I would never bring up. I also didn't limit myself to new experiences, and because of that literally had the best 2 weeks (specifically in Croatia) of my life. I experienced as much in that week as I usually do in months here, and I'm a better person for it.
4) I'm more of a chicken than I thought
I hate this fact, but it's true. I am always such a worrier and so careful about rules and 'doing the right thing' at home, and I didn't realize it until I had no rules to follow and hung out with a couple of bad-asses in Europe. Why the hell do I let fear of the unknown take over my life? It can be as big as deciding to go live in Europe for a while (what's stopping me) to having fun doing some water sport. And on that note....
5) ... going on the banana is OKThis was my A-HA moment of the trip. I always have had some ridiculous phobia of water, but the Aussie boys decided we were going, and there was no way of getting out of it. After freaking out when we got on, we of course flipped into the water and what happened? It was fun. It just proves that there is nothing to be scared of, and to just try new things, and just GET ON THE BANANA.
6) iPods are key
Pretty self-explanatory. Music is the chicken soup to my mind, and whatever mood I was in, my iPod had the right answer to either fix it or really make me think about it. Robin Thicke, Michael Buble and Timbaland (earlier post) really helped with that. These 3 hotties helped me fall asleep, deal with the boredom of travel at times, and bring me closer to certain people. All I have to say is that The Way I Are and Home will forever be in my memory and remind me of this trip.
7) I don't have to live in Canada
This goes along with the whole 'being a chicken' idea... the only thought that is comforting me right now is the fact that I really DON'T have to live here - I have so much opportunity to try life in another country/continent, and it doesn't scare me anymore. This is the time to try new things, especially since I often feel like a European at heart. I only feel bad for my parents, who immigrated all the way here for a better life, and now their kids are talking about going back! How ironic...
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