Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Notable anniversary...
That is all.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Man! I feel like a... pirate

So if I ever felt like being a feminist, it was after reading this article - how awesome!
A forward thinker is an understatement... not only a woman in a man-only role, but piracy and violence and power, oh my!
Maybe THAT'S why they made Johnny Depp look so fruity in his movies....
Friday, August 24, 2007
What the eff??
Is planet of the apes starting already? They have got some nerve... and are way more perceptive than anyone ever thought.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So I'm eating my morning breakfast when...
Dudes! I get this whole 'age of full disclosure' thing but some of us have grandparents! Too much information!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Oh maaaaan
I should have listened to Forrest Gump's words more carefully.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A third “cave-in” happened earlier this week when a family’s storm drain was filled with mud – the video with the happy ending was on CNN today and, I have to admit, tugged on my heartstrings and made for an emotional morning.
40 year old virgin
One of my favourite scenes from the movie - gets me everytime!
"I may be a virgin, but I'll fuck you up"
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Boredom is the devil..
I was pretty much alone all week, with only a few people from our team around.... but (for a lack of a better way to say it) we don't have much in common and therefore I was BORED. Fred brought some excitement today with pictures and news of his new baby boy, but that died down after a while. It doesn't help that I'm also not excited by this work- it's interesting and all, but nothing to make you wanna go crazy.
I honestly used to think that doing nothing and just 'chillin' was the best thing ever. I think this was back in high school when I was constantly busy. I may regret writing this, but I miss those days - being busy all the time made life so much more fun and interesting and made me even more productive.
I can't tell whether it's an issue of being at the wrong job or needing more hobbies, but my life is really becoming a little mundane. Even going out isn't as fun anymore, cause it's the same people and the same bars. This all goes back to my vacation time, when I had so much to do every day and met so many new people that it felt like a whole year of activity in 2 weeks. Sigh.
It feels like Montreal weather is mimicking my mood, because it has been rainy and blah all day. Actually, until now - looks like a thunderstorm is coming. My favourite! as long as it doesn't delay my flight.
Awesome - those Ruskis get it right once in a while
THIS is what North America needs - not only would people be more relaxed, but we would have a chance to increase the local population (although that could sound politically incorrect given that we are more and more again immigration - booourns).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Introducing the new love of my life...

I just bought this phone yesterday after sitting on the fence for a few days and asking all my friends to choose between this one and the one I just blogged about a few days ago - the Upstage (did I not mention I am fickle?)
I ended up going to the Bell store after work yesterday just to try it out, and it is honestly an awesome phone. I thought the blue colour would really bother me, but it's actually not bad at all, and I managed to find a hard cover black case on eBay for it.
I am pretty brand loyal to Samsung's, so I'm not worried about the phone technically, but the new format and o/s is much different than I'm used to after holding onto my phone for about 2 1/2 years. So far I've gotten a lot of stares whenever I've used the texting flip side, which reminds me, I gotta switch to an unlimited texting plan hahaha.
It cost a pretty penny what with the 3 year warranty, but it's damn worth it - for someone who is mainly a texter on this phone, this is really the best purchase I could make. The best feeling was when the Bell guy helping me out showed me the Upstage he won recently, but what he really wanted was my phone. Which hopefully was sincere and not a pickup line.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Might as well give up now...?
15 years and counting for yours truly...
Monday, August 13, 2007
My latest crush

Adam and I went shopping this weekend for something (which I cannot mention at this point because I might ruin the surprise) but needless to say it was a big purchase. Before that, we started off the day with some nice breakfast at Sunset with Eves and her cuz, and then went for a little walk along Bloor West. We stopped in the Bell center, cause my phone is now spontaneously turning off, and I wanted to check out some new ones.
Lo and behold, this gorgeous piece of work is right in front of me. It doesn't look like much in the pic, but it is a small and sturdy and sexy electronic, and I must have it. It's the Samsung Upstage, and it's only been in the Canadian market for about 2 weeks. I read up all about it, and it seems the only negatives are the very small screen you would actually use as the phone side, and the fact that you often have to flip back and forth to enter information in, which personally I don't find so annoying.
Moving along (I don't want to sound like an ad)...
This weekend was mostly great cause we went for the big fundraising event at Angus Glen. Having been at a driving range twice in my life, I was terrified to say the least. It turns out not only do I LIKE golf, I'm actually good at it!! Definitely taking it up and using the few months left of the season to take some lessons. So exciting!
Finished off the weekend with the Bourne Ultimatum. Meh.
I am going to miss the summer very very much when it's over...
Friday, August 10, 2007
Current mood: pouty

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Another letdown....

Current mood: meh.
The one bad thing about being invited to events like watching Safin and Nadal in the first row on centre court (which is what I did with Trish last night!!) is the letdown you experience when your tennis crush loses. And in an unsportmanlike way. Really, Safin, so much potential but you are too distracted and get pissed off too easily. And I say this out of love. The rest of the audience actually BOOED you cause you were throwing rackets and hitting balls into the crowd.
Then Trish and I went to eat at Queue de Cheval, which I have heard many things about such as being owned by the mafia, being run by Hells Angels and being develishly expensive. The 3rd part is definitely true, but it was so worth it. We went in to sit down for a nice dinner (albeit small) and here was Roger friggin Federer sitting a few tables away!!! He was celebrating his birthday, or his win, whatever it was we couldn't believe it! I was too shy to approach him to ask for an autograph or picture, plus he was with his cronies and unaccessible, so we didn't. But dammit, now I wish I had.
Anyway, the other letdown (other than Safin being a poor sport and not approaching Federer) is that my life has returned to boring and normal today. I really could get used to that lifestyle - rich and famous people, eating out and having hoards of people want to come watch you do whatever you do. Tons of girls/guys throwing themselves at you, flying anywhere you want because you can afford it. I either have to think of a new life strategy to become rich and famous... or marry someone who is (which could arguably also be a strategy).
Anyone know anyone available? 24 year old cute consultant with desire for travel and possibility of being a... trophy wife ...worthy companion. Apply within.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
One order of metrosexual, comin up!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
August long weekend - I've converted

Jake and I joined Peter, Theresa and Adam on Saturday afternoon (after BRUTAL traffic) but as soon as we got there I felt a sense of relief. We tanned on the dock and the patio for the rest of the day, made delicious food and despite great attempts, I fell asleep before midnight while watching a movie on Saturday night. But it was worth it, cause Sunday we were all very well rested and ready to celebrate Adam's birthday - the big guy turned 22! We surprised him with some very fun "fiesta" decorations and he was sincerely touched. Proud moment for hig big sis.
We lost our dignity (Jess's awesome quote from Friday night) on Sunday night - we bought a deck of cards and decided to play Kings. It's been a long time since I've laughed so hard and also been so drunk after drinking a measly small portion of vodka. There were some gems that night, some of which I have quoted on FB and others that cannot be divulged.
In other unrelated news, the 5 of us woke up very grumpy the next morning (note: grumpy could mean hungover). It was cloudy, which was fine with us after a full day of tanning the day before, so we watched some movies and ate some more and chilled to have some great talks. I had to leave a bit earlier to go home and pack for Montreal again (booo) but it was a great end to a fantastic weekend.
On a side note, Adam bought the Amy Winehouse CD and I have another item to add to my addictions list! She is an amazing singer, so soulful and I love her lyrics... I don't even care that she is an alcoholic/cokehead, cause her talent far outweighs any judgment I could make about her.
Friday, August 03, 2007
That's what friends are for
Then yesterday I flew home 1/2 hour earlier than usual to see my parents before they left for the 25th wedding anniversary Europe trip. All I have to say is my parents are really becoming one of the cutest couples I know. They are totally a cohesive unit and the huge differences in their personalities have become less extreme recently to the point where they compliment each other well. I'm excited for them!
After that, Adam and I drove for coffee and met up with this weekend's cottage crew: Theresa, Peter, Jake, Adam and I. It looks like it's going to be an awesome time with nearly perfect weather - gonna make an effort not to fry myself this time and actually keep my tanned skin. SUPER PUMPED for it if you can't tell!
After that Jess and Jamie came over and we stayed up til almost 2 talking and reminiscing and catching up. They are seriously like family, I feel warm and cozy whenever they're around.
In a nutshell, that's it. Trying to enjoy Toronto while I'm here on weekends, and getting excited to help Adam celebrate the big birthday and his first day at work! The great gift is slowly coming around, it's gonna be good...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Reason #66 - "I wanted to get a raise"
"To change the topic of conversation" should really be "I wanted to shut her up". Note: we all know that one, boys.
Cruelest: "To give that person an STD" - what the deuce!!!
Saddest: "Help me fall asleep". Ouch.
Most succinct: "Wanted to feel good". Hey, it beats eating a pound of chocolate.
Read more about them here.
A serious decision

After a very intense discussion with my coworker Fred, I have decided my ultimate meal (assuming my budget and ‘dietary restrictions’): it would consist of a medium done sirloin steak, a (few) glass(es) of red wine and a nutella jar with a spoon for dessert.
Yes, that sounds either too simple or gross, but for me, it’s heaven. And it’s not even that bad for you. Yes, a little fatty, but what else would someone want after a tough day at work then to sit down for a nice steak. My parents are the most surprised at this choice, since I was (mostly) vegetarian since the age of 4. It seems my body is making up for lost time – my dad and brother, the carnivores, are finally allowed to eat meat guilt-free too.
P.S. I might have to add French onion soup as an appetizer to that list. Sooooo goooood….