Jake and I joined Peter, Theresa and Adam on Saturday afternoon (after BRUTAL traffic) but as soon as we got there I felt a sense of relief. We tanned on the dock and the patio for the rest of the day, made delicious food and despite great attempts, I fell asleep before midnight while watching a movie on Saturday night. But it was worth it, cause Sunday we were all very well rested and ready to celebrate Adam's birthday - the big guy turned 22! We surprised him with some very fun "fiesta" decorations and he was sincerely touched. Proud moment for hig big sis.
We lost our dignity (Jess's awesome quote from Friday night) on Sunday night - we bought a deck of cards and decided to play Kings. It's been a long time since I've laughed so hard and also been so drunk after drinking a measly small portion of vodka. There were some gems that night, some of which I have quoted on FB and others that cannot be divulged.
In other unrelated news, the 5 of us woke up very grumpy the next morning (note: grumpy could mean hungover). It was cloudy, which was fine with us after a full day of tanning the day before, so we watched some movies and ate some more and chilled to have some great talks. I had to leave a bit earlier to go home and pack for Montreal again (booo) but it was a great end to a fantastic weekend.
On a side note, Adam bought the Amy Winehouse CD and I have another item to add to my addictions list! She is an amazing singer, so soulful and I love her lyrics... I don't even care that she is an alcoholic/cokehead, cause her talent far outweighs any judgment I could make about her.
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