Adam and I went shopping this weekend for something (which I cannot mention at this point because I might ruin the surprise) but needless to say it was a big purchase. Before that, we started off the day with some nice breakfast at Sunset with Eves and her cuz, and then went for a little walk along Bloor West. We stopped in the Bell center, cause my phone is now spontaneously turning off, and I wanted to check out some new ones.
Lo and behold, this gorgeous piece of work is right in front of me. It doesn't look like much in the pic, but it is a small and sturdy and sexy electronic, and I must have it. It's the Samsung Upstage, and it's only been in the Canadian market for about 2 weeks. I read up all about it, and it seems the only negatives are the very small screen you would actually use as the phone side, and the fact that you often have to flip back and forth to enter information in, which personally I don't find so annoying.
Moving along (I don't want to sound like an ad)...
This weekend was mostly great cause we went for the big fundraising event at Angus Glen. Having been at a driving range twice in my life, I was terrified to say the least. It turns out not only do I LIKE golf, I'm actually good at it!! Definitely taking it up and using the few months left of the season to take some lessons. So exciting!
Finished off the weekend with the Bourne Ultimatum. Meh.
I am going to miss the summer very very much when it's over...
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